
Fossil Fish



Gosiutichthys parvus (GRANDE,1982)

Gosiutichthys parvus (GRANDE,1982)

Gosiutichthys parvus (GRANDE,1982)

Gosiutichthys parvus (GRANDE,1982)

Reference: P137
Genus - Specie: Gosiutichthys parvus (GRANDE,1982)
Description: fossil fish, bony fish
Period: Jurassic
Epoch-Stage-Strata: Lower Eocene
Era: Cenozoic
Age: Ypresian(about 47-56 million years)
Common name: fossil fish, bony fish
Comments: Mortality plate. Clupeid , clupeiform. Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Actinopterygii, Order: Clupeiformes, Family: Clupeidae, Subfamily: Pellonulinae, Genus: Knightia.The legendary sites of the formation from Green River in Wyoming whose fossils are very valued by its variety, high quality, and conservation, as well as fish, other invertebrates and plants have been located in this excellently preserved, according to scientific training this magnificent state of conservation in the world, it is due to a combination of two factors: first, a period of cold deep during the Eocene, which would have caused that lifeless fish had sunk faster since its swim bladder would have inflated less and second the great depth of the lakes and the exceptional conditions of lack of oxygen in the water, this would have prevented scavengers animals destroyed the corpses. This fossil fish comes from famous deposits in Green River Formation. Knigtia is an extint genus of fish from the Eocene. Fossils of this fish are commonly found in this area , along with other interesting genus the Knigtia formed part as fundamental food in the diet of other larger fish also extinct as Diplomystus , Priscacara, Mioplosus, Phaerodus, Notogoneus and others . Its habitat in all probability were lakes and freshwater streams, feed on small organisms such as tadpoles, shrimp, crabs and snails that tore with their powerful jaws. The eight fish that have capriciously fossilized in a position of death that are conserved in this plate, died due to a sudden event, perhaps caused by a change of temperature of the shallow waters and probably by the poisoning generated by the accumulation of gas ( hydrogen sulfide) released by decaying organic matter, at the bottom of the lake due to accumulated algal blooms and the absence of oxygen. Bony fish, extinct genus, common, intact fish , very well preserved , complete specimens, ee fossilized fish on the same plate , excellent quality and conservation, no restoration, no repair, no glue, no composite, measures plate : 210 x 161 x 10 mm , measures fish : 40 mm along , weigth: 470 grams, intact fish, nice display, a classic fossil fish from Green River FM , excellent quality, nice display. Delivered and shipped with a certificate of authenticity. We ship worldwhide.
Location: Kemmerer (Formación Green River)Wyoming-USA
Price: 72 E

Diplomystus birdi (WOODWARD,1895) Diplomystus (GRANDE,1892)

Diplomystus birdi (WOODWARD,1895) Diplomystus (GRANDE,1892)

Reference: P123
Genus - Specie: Diplomystus birdi (WOODWARD,1895) Diplomystus (GRANDE,1892)
Description: fossil fish
Period: Cretaceous
Epoch-Stage-Strata: Cretaceous
Era: Mesozoic
Age: Cenomanian (93-100 million years approx)
Common name: fossil fish
Comments: predator, carnivore, complete specimen, magnificent conservation, large size plate measures 118 x 70 x 7 mms fish measures 79 x 40 mm, weight: 177 grams, rare, scarce, excellent quality, natural, intact fish without restoration or repair, or painting, original fossil, scarce and difficult
Location: Hadjoula (Byblos) Libano
Price: 199 E

Prionolepis cataphractus (PICTET & HUMBERT,1866) Prionolepis (EGERTON,1850)

Prionolepis cataphractus (PICTET & HUMBERT,1866) Prionolepis (EGERTON,1850)

Reference: P121
Genus - Specie: Prionolepis cataphractus (PICTET & HUMBERT,1866) Prionolepis (EGERTON,1850)
Description: fossil fish
Period: Cretaceous
Epoch-Stage-Strata: Cretaceous
Era: Mesozoic
Age: Cenomanian (93-100 million years approx)
Common name: fossil fish
Comments: predatory fish, full, natural specimen, magnificent conservation, adult, big size, measurements, plate: 222 x 162 x 15 mms fish sizes: 215 x 32 mm, weight: 1,179 grams, rare, scarce, with two copies of Carpopenaeus callirostris (fossil shrimp) fossilized alongside the fish on the same side of the plate, excellent quality, no restoration or repair, or painting, fish and shrimp intact, plate repaired
Location: Hadjoula (Byblos) Libano
Price: 336 E

Prionolepis cataphractus (PICTET & HUMBERT,1866) Prionolepis (EGERTON,1850)

Prionolepis cataphractus (PICTET & HUMBERT,1866) Prionolepis (EGERTON,1850)

Reference: P119
Genus - Specie: Prionolepis cataphractus (PICTET & HUMBERT,1866) Prionolepis (EGERTON,1850)
Description: fossil fish
Period: Cretaceous
Epoch-Stage-Strata: Cretaceous
Era: Mesozoic
Age: Cenomanian (93-100 million years approx)
Common name: fossil fish
Comments: excellent quality, exemplary full, natural, magnificent conservation, plate repaired, intact fish, good size, plate measures 257 x 90 x 19 mms fish measures: 219 x 20 mm, weight: 794 grams, rare, scarce
Location: Mont Liban (Hadjoula) Libano
Price: 199 E

